[Salon] Zakharova Versus Senator McConnell


Zakharova Versus Senator McConnell

One item at her briefing

Karl Sanchez   October 27, 2023

During her weekly briefing yesterday, October 26, one of the items covered by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova was “Republican Senator Mitch McConnell's scandalous remarks” which complemented similar words expressed in a Global Times editorial, “US politicians need to cleanse their hearts of 'evil' thoughts” with those thoughts coming from the mind of Senator McConnell and others. The editorial is well crafted and is related to the same underlying topic as the one Maria discusses, which is related to the usual Manichean formulation made by the Outlaw US Empire that it’s the Good that’s fighting the Evil, when the position is reality is reversed. I highly suggest clicking the link to that editorial after reading what Maria had to say:

We are closely following his anti-Russia statements, in which this American politician, who cannot otherwise be described as biased, makes systematic attempts to rewrite the history and results of World War II.

On October 22 of this year, he "distinguished himself" on Fox News, where he went so far as to call the alliance of Russia, Iran and China an "axis of evil" that allegedly poses a direct threat to the United States.

There are two expressions that are appropriate in this case: "to turn everything upside down" and "to blame from a sore head to a healthy one." In the context of McConnell's statement, I would also say that he has turned everything upside down. There's no other way to put it. He probably forgot that it is not Russia or China that threatens the United States, but on the contrary, the United States says that its task is to inflict a "strategic defeat" on our country, to contain China (it varies in characteristics from adversary to rival, etc.).

As for Iran. For decades, we have been hearing statements from Washington about the need for a final solution to the Iranian issue by force. Moreover, the ideologists of this forceful solution were in high-ranking positions in administrations in Washington. Now Senator McConnell comes out and says that America is "threatened" by Russia, China and Iran. He also dares to call us the "axis of evil". This is despite the fact that it is in the doctrinal documents of the NATO military-political bloc cobbled together by the United States that Russia is spelled out as the main target.

We understand the motives behind this statement by the US senator. Obviously, it is related to US President Joe Biden's recent budget request, which envisages the allocation of more than $100 billion for Ukraine, Israel and other military needs. That is, in fact, the continuation of the bloodbath and the escalation of violence.

But he also draws historical parallels with the events of World War II, which these American politicians so easily quote over and over again. In those years, we had a military brotherhood with the Americans.

We are accustomed to the fact that historical knowledge is the subject of information special operations with the participation of Western politicians. But they should not retract their own statements today. The very weapons that Joe Biden asked for money for will be used against our country, Russia. At the same time, we are a threat or a country that threatens the United States. This is absurd.

I would like to highlight one more point. It is surprising that the United States itself continues to associate itself with goodness and virtue, to promote the principles of its liberal democracy, or to speculate that it will shape a new "rules-based international order." On what basis are we called the "axis of evil" and they call themselves the "axis of good"?

Let's remember who invaded Serbia, who bombed Serbian cities and killed civilians, who dismembered that country. Let us recall who occupied Iraq, who staged a bloodbath there, who executed the leadership of that country, using the Iraqi judicial system as a cover. Who killed about a million, according to non-governmental organizations, civilians (no one counted them) on the territory of Iraq? Who ruled Afghanistan for twenty years with unclear results. (We all know which one). The U.S. is embarrassed to say so. Who tried to "reassemble" Syria at their own discretion. Who did all this? "Axis of Good"? This was done by the United States with its own "coalitions." It doesn't matter that the countries that are part of these "coalitions" gave one person, someone two, fifteen, someone or more. The main thing was the number of countries.

In the same way, states are now being recruited under Vladimir Zelensky's "peace formula" (in fact, the formula of war). "You just have to hold on to some point, nothing more is required of you. Say that you support at least something, at least a letter of this nonsense, and that's it." Why? Because we need to create a sense of broad international support. Thus, over the past decades, the "virtues" have formed similar coalitions from this "axis." It doesn't matter how much they give. The main thing is to give and record those who support. Such a vague responsibility, namely mutual responsibility. Do these "facts" give the U.S. the right to say that it is a country of virtues and will "sow good" across the planet, calling it a new "rules-based world order"?

In the new strategic concept of the North Atlantic Alliance, at Washington's suggestion, it is directly written about plans to develop relations with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and about its intentions to create a "global NATO." This is the new "axis," but are they virtues?

I have listed all the "achievements of the United States" and NATO over the past decades. The next time U.S. senators want to speculate about who is the "axis of good" and who is the "axis of evil," let them first look in the mirror of history. They still have the Library of Congress and other archival organizations. Let them read about themselves. If they don't want to go there, let them go to the WikiLeaks website.

Of all the other aspects of the briefing, there’s one point that’s somewhat related to the above that appeared in the Q&A session and has to do with what might also be called the scandalous behavior of Occupied Palestine’s UN representative who has done far more than what the Q&A reveals:

Question: How would you comment on Israel's Permanent Representative to the UN Ghassan Erdan calling for the resignation of Secretary-General Antonio Guterres because of his position on the aggravation of the Middle East conflict?

Maria Zakharova: Probably few of today's generation of experts have any idea, but I would like to remind you. The activities of the UN Secretary-General are determined not by one specific country, not by a group of countries, not by the permanent representatives of even the most respected countries. The activities of the UN Secretary-General are defined by the UN Charter.

To quote from the Charter of the Organization, namely Article 97: the Secretary-General, in his capacity as "the chief administrative officer of the Organization" and being "in the exercise of his duties, shall not seek or receive instructions from any government or authority, nor shall he refrain from any action that might affect his position as an international official responsible only to the Organization" in accordance with Article 100 of the Charter of the United Nations.

At the same time, paragraph 2 of this article clearly states that each UN member state, which includes the State of Israel, "undertakes to respect the strictly international character of the Secretary-General and not to attempt to influence him in the performance of his duties."

For our part, it should be noted that we have repeatedly and directly called on the UN Secretariat and personally Antonio Guterres, as well as other member states, to respect and comply with these articles of the UN Charter. Their systematic violation, as well as the well-known key principles of the Organization's founding document, undertaken for the sake of one's own geopolitical interests, leads to catastrophic consequences. What is happening in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone is a clear confirmation of this.

For more on the subject of being slapped down diplomatically, I suggest reading Larry Johnson’s latest blog entry, “ISRAEL AND UNITED STATES ARE TAKING A DIPLOMATIC POUNDING.” 

And lastly there’s this portion of the update on Ukraine readers will find curious and informative:

Work to bring to justice those involved in such crimes will continue. We will keep you informed. No one will escape justice.

Even biased Western media are beginning to publish materials regarding the crimes of the Kiev regime. On October 23, the American edition of The Washington Post published a detailed article on the involvement of the Ukrainian special services in the murder of Darya Dugina, the explosions on the Crimean bridge and other crimes. It is noted that since 2015, the CIA has allocated tens of millions of dollars to train Ukrainian special services and turn them into allies in the fight against our country. In the same vein, the British MI6 is mentioned. It is reported that these two Anglo-Saxon intelligence structures created isolated fifth and sixth directorates subordinate to them in the SBU, which were supposed to focus on "active measures" (i.e. sabotage) against Russia.

It follows from the publication that the CIA was behind the operations of the special services of Ukraine all this time, with which all high-profile actions were coordinated and which provided their executors with everything necessary. Now that it has become clear that Ukrainian neo-Nazis will not hesitate to use modern weapons and technology to carry out terrorist attacks and contract killings on the territory of third countries, the US masters of Vladimir Zelensky's regime are trying to disavow his insane and bloody terrorist attacks.

I will explain why such publications appear. We have repeatedly spoken about Washington's involvement in what is happening in Ukraine, including the creation of the Kiev regime (which has turned into a terrorist regime), the promotion of neo-Nazism, the supply of weapons, etc. Despite the fact that we have been talking about this for a long time based on facts. There is a whole chain of reasons for this.

First, elections begin in the United States, which dictate their laws for the media. We will or will never know about many things, but in one way or another it has to do with the electoral cycle in the United States. Secondly, a certain part of the political elite (including those associated with the media) should do everything possible to dissociate themselves from Vladimir Zelensky's terrorist activities. They are well aware that everything has its own course of events, the Kiev regime is coming to an end, and all its crimes will be qualified as not just premeditated, but based on international mediation in the creation of a terrorist cell. Everything must be done to show that they are not involved in this.

Hence the hasty desire to throw off responsibility. They published materials about the involvement of US intelligence services in atrocities, and they seemed to be objective. No, they never have. There were plenty of materials, facts, direct and circumstantial evidence, and evidence on this subject. They just weren't seen them. And now, when the domestic political space of the United States is preparing for the next election cycle, it is necessary to hedge its bets, take appropriate positions and play on the political alignments, such materials are appearing.

On the one hand, this is an obvious thing. We have been talking about it for many years, as well as after the terrorist attacks against Darya Dugina and the Crimean Bridge. Each time they proved it with facts in hand. The U.S. publication is not the first piece of evidence, nor is it something that "sheds light" on what happened. This is an add-on. Already something that cannot be resisted. A truth that is beginning to make its way. But this material is related to an attempt by part of the US political establishment to absolve themselves of responsibility and show that they are not involved. Just in case, you never know how events will develop.

On October 19, Estonian Foreign Minister Maria Tsahkna said at a forum under the auspices of the Atlantic Council that Ukraine is the cheapest way to get rid of Russia's "aggressiveness." His statement once again confirms that Ukrainians are perceived in the "European family" exclusively as "cannon fodder." In turn, US Senator Mitch McConnell (we will talk about him in more detail today) recently cynically stated that Ukraine contributes to "the creation of jobs in 38 states," referring to the increase in orders at defense enterprises and the resulting increased demand for additional labor.

This is a story about the involvement of the United States in the situation in Ukraine and the actions of the Kiev regime. To do this, you don't need to read (or not read) the American media, you need to see the primary sources. They directly make self-incriminating statements. Another thing is that it is time for the media in the United States to wake up, see what their politicians are saying, and draw conclusions.

This is not the first time that we have heard from European and American representatives of the political establishment various variations of the same idea: Ukraine is a cheap expendable material, a means to fulfill their own geopolitical or economic goals.

We hope that the realisation of this obvious fact will come to the sensible forces in the West and in Ukraine itself, which will pull back their leaders, rulers and puppet masters.

Given what’s been ordered by Biden, the possibility that the West will cease adding fuel to the fires it started is nil, and the above sentiment is indeed a “hope.”

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